Monday, December 6, 2010

This Gallery Doesn't Exist #2: Jillian Tamaki

Sometimes I feel bad because I can't or don't track down the original-original source of some image somewhere. The guilt goes away eventually, but I still want to point to noteworthy artists I've come across, when it feels right. Here's the second:

These were in National Geographic. 
Click and they will enlarge, remember. 
I don't know why this is called "Kids."
The sequel to Life of Pi is not as good as the original.
Circa fourteenth century. 
 For the CBC.  
Also for the CBC, but with a rounder nose.  
As I understand it, this one is Yeats's fault. 

1 comment:

  1. Some of these drawings remind me of Jack Dylan's work (especially the last few).
