Monday, December 6, 2010

In case you hadn't heard (Interview with the Blues)

Sit Down, Man Front Cover

Das Racist is a group you should be listening to all the time. Especially when they conduct interviews like this one for the New York Times.

A few quotes for those who pay per click:

If your albums are available free, how do you make money? 
Vazquez: Touring. Most people are making their money on touring, merchandise and licensing. I’ve been paying rent off the shows for a while now. My rent is $290, so it’s not a big deal. It’s five people in a four-bedroom in Bushwick. I keep my stuff at my parents’ house. I like to go home, hug my parents, drink chai with my mom, watch Hindi movies and re-Indianize two days a week before I re-emerge into the filth that is progressive liberal white America in trendy Williamsburg.


Do you see your work as a critique of white America? 
Suri: I think it is solely a critique of John Boehner. As our bandmate Ashok Kondabolu would say, John Boehner represents the utmost in white demonry.

This is precisely why I make a point of never asking rappers questions about politics. 
Suri: Deborah, chill.
Vazquez: Fall back.


What separates you from other rappers? 
Vazquez: We’re the best rappers.
Suri: We are better at rapping than everyone else who raps.


Guys, you can totally download their new album, Sit Down, Man, for free right here. Why wouldn't you do that?

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