Sunday, January 23, 2011

Poetry in a Circular Room #3

The randomly generated adolescent poetry of Communications from Elsewhere. Best parts are in bold.

I am
by The Aggregate Kid

i am torn.

the other side of
the nicest thing in
my head says "no" i like maddy
she is the one we know,
the earth is
generous, the earth is
loud with colors all around
me 'cuz i don't want to go
away if you loos your love
abound and you are my brother.

we all see i'm sitting around with
nothing to think of
your hand!

i love
you at night and throughout
the years! for i cry when i hang
with him, someone to talk and
talk. but
there is no
available to me and
stare, and i lean and i hope he'll be
fine once again.

without you for so long,
i guess it's ok, it
turns out, they just wanted to cry!
she told the story of the
crescent, as he melts in the
night of
april 14th,
1912, was the
sinkable ship someday... he
will always listen don't
worry, i'll never
dread, anything i see.

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