Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Personal Best #20-11, or: On Any Other Night (The Cinema Show 2010)

Previously: #30-21


#20. The Kids Are All Right
I keep looking for a gimmick but there's none. Should be a nomadic acting troupe.

#19. Never Let Me Go
If only it were not an adaptation, it would be great.

#18. True Grit
I'm not sure how to make this better, but it is not their best.

#17. Four Lions
Funny funny funny funny funny.

#16. The Town
Ooh, this is a sharp one. Swing away, sir, swing away.

#15. Toy Story 3
Nowhere near the best film of the year, but outstanding all the same.

#14. The American
Today's lesson: how to be a 1960-2010 film. 

#13. Animal Kingdom
Has anyone got a studio they can spare? Need more of these.

#12. The Ghost Writer
More precise than Inception, and (nearly) as thrilling.

#11. Meek's Cutoff
Hotel hopping in the wilderness: the best western since the last best western.

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