Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Personal Best #10-1, or: Are You Watching the Hues? (The Cinema Show 2010)

Previously: #30-21, #20-11

#10. The King's Speech
I felt myself aging as I enjoyed it.

#9. Catfish
Jumps a handful of spots because it might be fake.

#8. Fish Tank
Me, watching this: "Where did that come from?"

#7. Inception
Please oh please let it be the first of many. And I don't mean sequels. 

#6. Blue Valentine
Heaven help them all, trying to top this. Of mythic proportions...

#5. Exit Through the Gift Shop
Forget whether it's a documenary. Is it even a film?

#4. 127 Hours
With top marks for ambition, using only one dream-level. 

#3. The Social Network
An all-star game of a movie. "Perfect" belongs in the conversation.

#2. Shutter Island
Is there any better? A healthy reminder: genre amplifies this man's work.

#1. Black Swan
The best since There Will Be Blood. 

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