I had thought about doing this sort of thing some time ago, but this particular list I've only been putting off for about ten years. If I may be so bold, these are perhaps the best movies of the year, from where I stand.* Probably not exactly your list. But.
Thirty seems about right, right?
Where the year is disputable, I made a decision. Also, I order them all the way to thirty because I can. Perhaps you disagree?
| #30. Happythankyoumoreplease
Or else it's awful. Can not decide.

| #29. Chloe
Easy to believe in. With a better ending...

#28. Nowhere Boy
No bias necessary. Would work without him.

| #27. Easy A
Wished better things for it, but that's not a criticism.

#26. Hereafter
Try explaining how this works at all; I don't get it.

#25. The Fighter
All its flash was in human form, and that's too much.

| #24. Barney's Version All right with the Canadian content, already!

| #23. Kick-Ass
Could score higher if I could remember it well.

| #22. Rabbit Hole
So many troubled marriages, so little time.

| #21. Please Give
Surprise, another genre picture! Not really. |
* There's a great deal I haven't yet seen, or else haven't yet finished, that might rate somewhere here. Oh well. I could say the same about 2005. An exhaustive list would be longer than the following:
Another Year, Biutiful, Casino Jack, Cemetery Junction, Cyrus, Dogtooth, Enter the Void, The Extra Man, Get Low, Greenberg, The Green Zone, Howl, I Am Love, The Illusionist, I'm Still Here, Inside Job, Jack Goes Boating, Let Me In, Life During Wartime, Megamind, Restrepo, The Runaways, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Solitary Man, Somewhere, Tangled, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Vincere, Welcome to the Rileys, Winter's Bone.