Vanity Fair subscription is up. Know I'll renew, but it's nice to know I don't have to do anything. It'll just stop coming.

Borrowed Michael Jackson's Off the Wall from the library. It rocks. How come I'd only ever listened to the first two songs?

You note I tweet. It's only a shorthand version of this thing.
Pretty sure daylight saving time messes with my dog's head.

Don't worry dear, your post is coming.

My learning has stagnated. It's worse than at graduation. I'm not convinced the two are related.
Reminder: I don't need a new cell phone. Mine is perfectly fine.
Pretty sure this counts as a narrative by now. That's this week's short story, everyone! About 9000 words.
And what a twist, yes? The guitars turned into children.
Your ass just got metaphor'd.
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