Saturday, April 16, 2011

Anticipate This: Sleeping Beauty

How to Look Good #46

"This makes it okay to listen to R. Kelly."

Seventh Noun

Sixth Noun

Play those long distance blues

I see lots of things and think, "That would look so much better with my girlfriend in the shot."

Here are some:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fifth Noun

Fourth Noun

Third Noun

Second Noun

First Noun

Tumblin' Blues (Blues Down the Tracks)

Now that it's out, I can say, "Go see Source Code. You'll be glad you did." Well, I'll be glad you did. You too, probably.

Thought about raising the stakes on this, seeing what this baby could do out in open waters. You know, Tumblr.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves, yeah? One fiction at a time.

It's horrible to say, but I think I would care more about politics if they had finished Mt. Rushmore. Canadian politics, I mean.

I've got an idea: motion pictures by algorithm. Cheapen the manufacture of tentpole movies until affordable to all. I would absolutely pay $20 to see a movie made just for me. Go go gadget capitalism! Science, you got this, right?

I suddenly had the urge to fantasy draft. But not with athletes. I guess that's how you become a casting director.

Well, anyway, it's far easier starting out than finishing the thing. A hundred pages is a long way down.

"You ought to know I'm making this up as I go along. There's no brilliant structure in place, or at least not yet. A great deal of it is haphazard and of the moment. Because why bother?"

I feel I am being too direct. Let's tone it down. "Remember, this is the internet."

"Remember, this is a comedy."

How to Look Good #45

"Fellini said he put a post-it above the viewfinder when he was making Eight and a half that read 'Remember, this is a comedy.' I often wish I had that post-it."

You Should Live Here #25: Angles

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How to Look Good #44

"This is a one-piece."

The WRS A-List #4: Sharon Tate

Announcing the important people since 2011.

"Score a point for reincarnation?" That's not really what I mean to say...

I Feel Like This #10